Dr. George & Gail Piccolo

We are glad Mike decided to run for Alderman again.  We support Mike – because he has the experience and the vision to be re-elected as our 6th Ward Alderman of Aurora.  Mike has the all the qualifications necessary to lead our great City and the proven ability to get things done.  We wholeheartedly support Mike!!

Riverwalk to Paramount

Mike’s idea to build a River Walk in Downtown Aurora occurred in August 1987. Mike has created a historical perspective of our River Walk in Aurora with a presentation to share with people. Mike has shared his power point presentation to many groups and organizations over the years: Like Rotary, Sunrise Rotary, Kiwanis, Aurora Downtown, Garden Club, and many neighborhood groups through out City over these many years. Mike says, our River Walk is a fine example of a team effort with people working together to improve our City and especially our wonderful downtown.

Our Aurora Downtown has beautifully changed over the years!! Thanks to the River Walk Commission and all who helped make this possible!! Mike knows that the downtown has significantly changed for the better with the implementation of the FoxWalk Design Guidelines, implementing the streetscape standards, guiding development, and the building of sections of our Riverwalk.  Our downtown is looking better while bringing more people into the heart of our City along our beautiful Fox River.

Mike speaking at Plum Park Dedication

We had a great day for 6th Ward in Aurora as Mike spoke at the William V. Plum Park ribbon cutting ceremony that he had sponsored. City elected officials, Kane County board members, City staff, and neighbors joined Mike as the ribbon was cut on the 6th Ward’s newest park.  This park (Mike’s idea) is on land that once had seven blighted homes and had experienced over the years 429 Police calls for service.  Now after 17 years of purchasing the homes (voluntarily sold to the City), receiving a grant from the Kane County Forest Preserve, funding by the City of Aurora, and funding from the 6th Ward Committee – the neighborhood now has a gathering place for families, children, and their friends to play, enjoy, and just have fun.   There was good music played and dancing, too!  And 125 people took advantage of the offer of a free hot-dog per person. People of all ages were in a celebratory mood!

Mike helping with the annual west side Shred Event.

Mike helped out with our annual west side paper shred event sponsored by the three west side Ward Alderman (4th, 5th and 6th Wards).  We were thanked by many of our constituents for funding this needed service every year at Jefferson Middle School.  Many people who took advantage of this service today felt comfortable with shredding their private and financial documents while also, expressing hope that we would have this event again every year.  (We will!) It was a great day and watch for your notice of the next one!!

Fountain Plaza & Riverwalk

Our Fountain Riverwalk Plaza was the first section of the Riverwalk built and dedicated in 1992!  This City Council approved project built with the Stolpe Island Parking Deck created the momentum for new sections of the Riverwalk built over the years.  When Mike first proposed the idea of establishing a Riverwalk Commission in August 1987, he quoted Chicago’s famous architect, Daniel Burnham, “Make no little plans”.  The downtown is sure looking a lot better today, then it did back in 1987!!  Thank you Riverwalk Commission!

Coach Wilbert Walters of the Sundowners

Mike is honest and supportive.  I have been in Aurora since 1960 and I have not met any males – black or white that I trust implicitly as I do Mike.  He has been a very good Alderman, and therefore, Mike’s running for re-election as 6th Ward Alderman is understandable.  And what a Alderman he has been.  Our community needs someone with the integrity and honesty to work for and represent our diverse City, not just for the 6th Ward, but for all our Wards.  I am voting for Mike.

Mike receives award for saving WPA Mural.

Mike receiving an award honoring his leadership to save the WPA Mural at the former West Aurora High School.  Mike contributed 6th Ward Funds to save the mural that had previously been painted over before the building’s demolition took place.

Civic Center River Walk

In celebration of Mike’s idea to build a River Walk in Downtown Aurora occured in August 1987.  Mike has created a historical perspective of our River Walk in Aurora with a presentation to share with people. Mike has shared his power point presentation to many groups and organizations over the years: Like Rotary, Sunrise Rotary, Kiwanis, Aurora Downtown, Garden Club, and  many neighborhood groups through out City over these many years.  Mike says, our River Walk is a fine example of a team effort with people working together to improve our City and especially our wonderful downtown.  Our Aurora Downtown has beautifully changed over the years!!  Thanks to the River Walk Commission and all who helped make this possible!!