Mike speaking at Aurora Business United
On Friday, Mike spoke at the Two Brothers Roundhouse in front of the Aurora Business United group. There were almost 100 people attending as Mike emphasized that government must live within its means. For example, Mike served on the Finance Committee for 18 years of his almost 38 years on…

Mike voted to bring Edged – Data Center to Aurora!!
Mike and the Aurora City Council will vote Tuesday. February 14, 2023 to approve the Edged Data Center off of the Bilter and the Eola Road interchange. This is a $500 million dollar development with an electric vehicle charging station and a future sub-station, and future retail. This huge development…

Mike voted to approve the Cultural Arts Center!
Alderman Mike Saville voted to approve the Aurora Arts Center development. This $35 million development will be a major piece of our Downtown Economic and Cultural puzzle that will benefit our community for generations. It has a restaurant, artists lofts, practice space for the Broadway series actors (which now frees…

Mike attending W.A.H.S. Veterans Assembly
Mike honoring all Military Veterans at the West Aurora High School Veterans Assembly. On Veterans Day we recognize all Military Veterans who have served our Country. The students did a wonderful job of creating and hosting this heart-felt community event!!

Mike helping to cut the ribbon at the new Sullivan Roundabout.
Mike and elected officials helping to cut the ribbon at the 2016 Sullivan Roundabout ribbon cutting ceremony. The Grand Opening Ceremony on October 3, 2016 was a grand affair for the 6th Ward and the City of Aurora. Mike and Alderman Bob O’Connor co-sponsored this project for our community to…

Mike attending the Annual Divali Festival
The Annual Divali Festival continues to be held each year. This year the Festival was held at the Fox Valley Mall. We had a very good turn out of people to help celebrate Divali – The Festival of Lights. There was dancing, singing, and an all-around good time for all…

Mike attending the annaul LULAC Annual Banquet.
Mike attending with Community Leaders at the annual LULAC Award Scholarship Banquet in Aurora. It’s all about our youth in Aurora and we must continue to do all we can to encourage and support them. Congratulations to our local LULAC Council 5218 once again. Keep up the good work!!

Concierto en Santa Rita
It is always a wonderful time attending the annual Concierto Cena Noche Mexicana En Santa Rita hosted at St. Rita’s Church in my Ward. The music and dancing by the youth in their colorful costumes was beautiful. And we all agreed that everyone said the food was delicious!! Congrats!!

Palace Street Park
Palace Street Park was finished thanks to partnerships between the neighbors, the Fox Valley Park District, and the 6th Ward! Mike used Ward 6 Funds to fully pay for the purchase of these two lots. The City of Aurora transferred the property per agreement to the Fox Valley Park…

Petting zoo at the Tanner House
The weather was great for our annual July 4th Celebration. Mike standing in front of the annual 6th Ward donated petting zoo at the Tanner House. The children had a lot of fun petting the animals on our Nation’s Independence Day.

Riverwalk to Paramount
Mike’s idea to build a River Walk in Downtown Aurora occurred in August 1987. Mike has created a historical perspective of our River Walk in Aurora with a presentation to share with people. Mike has shared his power point presentation to many groups and organizations over the years: Like Rotary,…

Mike speaking at Plum Park Dedication
We had a great day for 6th Ward in Aurora as Mike spoke at the William V. Plum Park ribbon cutting ceremony that he had sponsored. City elected officials, Kane County board members, City staff, and neighbors joined Mike as the ribbon was cut on the 6th Ward’s newest park. …

Mike helping with the annual west side Shred Event.
Mike helped out with our annual west side paper shred event sponsored by the three west side Ward Alderman (4th, 5th and 6th Wards). We were thanked by many of our constituents for funding this needed service every year at Jefferson Middle School. Many people who took advantage of this…

Fountain Plaza & Riverwalk
Our Fountain Riverwalk Plaza was the first section of the Riverwalk built and dedicated in 1992! This City Council approved project built with the Stolpe Island Parking Deck created the momentum for new sections of the Riverwalk built over the years. When Mike first proposed the idea of establishing a…

Mike receives award for saving WPA Mural.
Mike receiving an award honoring his leadership to save the WPA Mural at the former West Aurora High School. Mike contributed 6th Ward Funds to save the mural that had previously been painted over before the building’s demolition took place.

Civic Center River Walk
In celebration of Mike’s idea to build a River Walk in Downtown Aurora occured in August 1987. Mike has created a historical perspective of our River Walk in Aurora with a presentation to share with people. Mike has shared his power point presentation to many groups and organizations over the…

Mike teaching class.
Mike teaching class at Fox Valley Montessori School. Mike says, ” we must reach out to our youth and provide our students a path to success! They deserve both great opportunities to succeed and a bright future”.

Mike pitches in to clean up the 6th Ward.
Mike helps out with every 6th Ward Clean-Up day. Mike isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty and pitches in on every Ward Clean-Up day since he initiated it many years ago. Mike likes to kid and say “We are feng shui – ing the 6th Ward together”! Everyone enjoys…

Mike signs his 9th Oath of Office.
Mike Saville, signing his 9th Oath of Office, May 5, 2015 in the Aurora City Council Chambers on Inauguration Night. Mike was once again re-elected overwhelmingly to be the Alderman of the 6th Ward. “I am very grateful and honored with the confidence my constituents have for me these last…